
How To Determine The Correct Size For Safety Gloves?

Factory workers are exposed to the hazards of work-related accidents on a regular basis. Undoubtedly, providing them adequate safety equipment is the responsibility of an employer. Safety gloves are not only the most widely used, but also one of the most effective safety mechanisms.

Undertaking a hazard assessment is necessary to select the right gloves of the best quality. Once a glove gets selected for use in an industrial application, its size must be determined. As an employer, you will need to select gloves of different sizes, keeping in mind your individual employees, who till now were undertaking various work operations without the added security the safety gloves could provide.

Without a doubt, the possibility of injuries to an unprotected hand is multi fold. A small glove might compromise the wearer’s agility while a pair that is too large can get caught in parts of moving machinery or its edges. Ordering gloves that are too large or too small could result in delays in job completion and also expose employees to the dangers of probable hand injuries. Hand gloves that are too small can make your workers feel uncomfortable and cause fatigue in the hands. On the other hand, if the gloves are too big then it will easily tear or rip apart during use. Gloves that are too loose can even pull the hand or person into a moving machinery, causing fatal accidents in the process. Therefore, you need to choose the size of gloves with great care to ensure that it fits the hand measurements of your workers.


Once you ensure you have the best-fitting gloves, your employees can feel safe and rely on your choice of the best possible protection. The work process will suffer no setbacks as a result.

To determine the correct size of a glove, you will need a measuring tape. You could start with carefully measuring the hands of your employees. The dominant hand should be right for workers who are right handed and left for those who are left handed.

In case the gloves that you opt for are available in similar sizes, then you can relate inch measurement of your hand directly to the actual size of the glove. For instance, if the measurement taken is 7 inches, then you should select a glove of size 7. If the measurement is over 7 inches, then a pair of larger size will be required to avoid the issue of hand fatigue.

In case the gloves that you buy are available in lettered sizes like S, M or XL, you can easily translate to numerical size to ensure easy selection. Since gloves are offered in different lengths, it is essential to decide the glove’s length as per the task the employee would perform wearing them.

Usually, the ideal length of the glove varies according to the depth of immersion in a solution, or the level of splash protection needed. Therefore, you should take considerable time to measure and select the correct glove size to ensure that your employees feel safe at the workplace. This will make sure that no mishaps take place in your factory. The work process will become smoother than before, and as a result, the productivity of your employees will rise.